Scritto da Peter Kivuva | Categoria: A proposito di Noi

About three months ago, my community superior, Fr. Gerard Yapo charged me with the responsibility of accompanying the parish catechist in taking the Blessed Communion to 15 of our parishners who later reduced to 13 as two died within that period.

Their health could not permit them reach the chapel where mass is held despite their steadfast desire to do so. Reaching all of them necessitated leaving after mass i.e. some minutes after eleven in the morning then using the community motor bike, I would ride together with the catechist (an aged family man). On arrival, he would do a short introduction and explanation of the readings of the day before giving the communion.

Though I observed with little comprehension since the local language is Sango that I’m not so much familiar with, it is worth noting that I loved the zeal in which the old men and women expressed during that period. I would see souls thirsting for Christ in substance, for the Word of God. I remember one blind woman, the way she used to stretch her hand to greet me; the joy in her heart as manifested on her face melted my heart. Consequently, I felt a little transformation, a personal challenge with the question, how many times do I feel lazy to visit the Lord in the tabernacle yet I have the energy now owing to the proximity of the tabernacle to me unlike them? It was like a wakeup call for me and I hereby invite each and every community of our institute where that apostolate to the sick is not active to think of it. There is a hidden mystery in that experience. That activity went hand in hand with a visit to our dispensary here on every Monday.

The sick did not know me in person neither did I know them but the fact of seeing a man of God sacrificing his time to be with them in those hospital beds gave them immense joy. I thank Fr. Gerard for that inspiring initiative which I trust will go a long way towards making our young brothers in formation orient their vocation towards acts of mercy which also defines our institute.



  • 2024-10-18 Preghiera, raccolta e Animazione missionaria
    Preghiera, raccolta e Animazione missionaria


    Il primo ottobre festa di Santa Teresa di Lisieux è anche l’inizio del mese missionario: Ottobre missionario, mese durante il quale, in modo particolare, vengono prese delle iniziative di preghiera, raccolte di fondi e tutto ciò che può servire alle missioni; in più, è il mese dedicato in modo speciale all’animazione missionaria che consiste nel sensibilizzare le comunità cristiane alla realtà della missione, soprattutto quella ad gentes.

    Santa Teresa, suora di clausura diventata patrona delle missioni nel 1927, vibrava dell’amore di Gesù Cristo e il suo più grande sogno era quello di diventare missionaria in tutte le realtà della Chiesa e in tutte le parti del mondo. Ascoltiamola:

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