Scritto da Peter Kivuva | Categoria: A proposito di Noi |  Pubblicato il 07/09/2024

The sky, they say is the limit but I say, it is not, the mind is. This adage is used to motivate people to push to greater heights of excellence as the sky is seen as the highest thing from the earth. In my contra opinion, I hereby argue that the sky (the highest attainable goal) is not the limit or the motivation that should push us to actualize ourselves but the mind, the will to achieve that which we have set our minds on.
I get mad sometimes when I look at the speed at which we struggle to earn diplomas in school just for the sake of earning the title PhD so and so, MSc this and that. The empty phrases like I studied in the University of Nairobi, the best university in Kenya, I studied in the Catholic university of Eastern Africa, I was in Harvard University, I did my law degree in Boston etc...
The question of how useful I am after graduation doesn't come into the picture but accumulation of diplomas and titles that help neither the bearer nor the society he lives in. One ought to be useful not only in what he studied but also in giving solutions to daily life problems. Every community or society faces her own problems and challenges and it is the role of an educated/learned person to reason out and seek possible solutions to the problem at hand.

Failures can be encountered along the way and these act as life lessons. But what is the actuality of our today's societies/communities? An individual comes up with a proposal towards a problem affecting all of us and the reaction from the members around that person is let us see how far he/she goes with it. We are so bend down on witnessing the failure of he who tries something new at the expense of reasoning together to help ourselves. That is what I call NEGATIVE ENERGY and it is extremely toxic than a rat poison. Its little brother is known as INDEXING. Indexing is explained as the practice of pointing fingers. Its 'baptismal name' is ACCUSATION. Since they are born from the same family, the bearers of these characters are called people of SMALL SPIRITS. You will easily notice such people in any given society. They will never contribute to any solution search for any given problem. They are there to criticize the DOERS with a lot of Philosophy and pure grammar. They have crammed what ancient philosophers like Plato or Socrates said but they cannot relate that idea to the contemporary time that we are in.

Brothers, I exhort each and every one of us in the respective communities to cultivate the spirit of DOING and not mere criticism. That is the only way to becoming BIG SPIRITS. When we arrive at the level of asking what can we do to eradicate this or that problem? And not who caused the problem? We would be proud of our diplomas. Let anyone who reads this article ask himself these personal questions: how are my contributing to the well-being of the society or how useful are my in the society in which I belong? Can I be solicited for the looking for solutions to the challenges facing my community or are my just a consumer? As I conclude, I wish each and every one of us a happy reading. May the good Lord give us the courage to cut off negative energies because our paradise is where we are now.


  • 2024-10-18 Preghiera, raccolta e Animazione missionaria
    Preghiera, raccolta e Animazione missionaria


    Il primo ottobre festa di Santa Teresa di Lisieux è anche l’inizio del mese missionario: Ottobre missionario, mese durante il quale, in modo particolare, vengono prese delle iniziative di preghiera, raccolte di fondi e tutto ciò che può servire alle missioni; in più, è il mese dedicato in modo speciale all’animazione missionaria che consiste nel sensibilizzare le comunità cristiane alla realtà della missione, soprattutto quella ad gentes.

    Santa Teresa, suora di clausura diventata patrona delle missioni nel 1927, vibrava dell’amore di Gesù Cristo e il suo più grande sogno era quello di diventare missionaria in tutte le realtà della Chiesa e in tutte le parti del mondo. Ascoltiamola:

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