Scritto da Peter Kivuva | Categoria: A proposito di Noi |  Pubblicato il 10/10/2024

John 14, 27 Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; MY PEACE I GIVE YOU.”  I do not give it to you like the world gives it. Do not be worried or afraid.

Material comfort, financial assets, a stable, well-paid job, a good career, a house, a car, a spouse, children, power, etc. are generally what give men social security today.

And being safe provides a sense of peace that the world can provide.

The problem is that the peace that the world offers is fleeting and can be lost in an instant at any time. 

However, the deep inner peace that Jesus gives us does not depend on the circumstances of life, nor on everything we possess

David's life was constantly under threat and he was almost always at war. But despite all that he remained serene, slept peacefully because his peace came from God.  In contrast, Solomon lived in a period of complete peace and prosperity but was so afraid of the night that he needed 60 armed men to stand guard around him every night.


Where does your peace come from? What gives you peace?

A man can have everything in life but sleep in fear and live in worry and overwhelming anxiety. 

Peace is priceless!!! True peace is found in Jesus Christ alone. Let us accept it. The Jesus we receive daily in the communion should stay in our hearts. 

We ought to trust him and have a firm belief that he will make us stay safe whatever the circumstances. Besides, NO ONE encounters Christ and remains the same. 

May that same Christ transform us into what he intend of us and in turn we will have a positive impact on those that we encounter in this life.


  • 2024-10-18 Preghiera, raccolta e Animazione missionaria
    Preghiera, raccolta e Animazione missionaria


    Il primo ottobre festa di Santa Teresa di Lisieux è anche l’inizio del mese missionario: Ottobre missionario, mese durante il quale, in modo particolare, vengono prese delle iniziative di preghiera, raccolte di fondi e tutto ciò che può servire alle missioni; in più, è il mese dedicato in modo speciale all’animazione missionaria che consiste nel sensibilizzare le comunità cristiane alla realtà della missione, soprattutto quella ad gentes.

    Santa Teresa, suora di clausura diventata patrona delle missioni nel 1927, vibrava dell’amore di Gesù Cristo e il suo più grande sogno era quello di diventare missionaria in tutte le realtà della Chiesa e in tutte le parti del mondo. Ascoltiamola:

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